Orange 142 Blog

Case Study: Increasing Multicultural Applicants at a Large University’s Nursing School

Written by Orange 142 | Aug 29, 2024 8:46:31 PM

A large university in the south was looking to drive recruitment for their nursing school, with a focus on Hispanic and African American applicants.

One week after the campaign launch, we analyzed all the data we had gathered. We began making optimizations and reallocating the budget towards the strategies that were driving the most conversions. Additionally, we created new strategies based on our learnings and discontinued strategies that were not working.

At the end of a 60-day campaign, we delivered 34 applications and 1,428,571 Impressions. The client was thrilled with these results and gave Orange 142 the opportunity to run a subsequent MBA and general education campaigns.

How Orange 142 Delivered Results

  • We used a custom data segment created specifically for this campaign, focusing on high school seniors who were searching for nursing career related content.
  • We used language browser targeting to target Hispanic parents of teenage children with in-language ads.
  • Targeted ads toward African American parents of teenage children.
  • Keyword targeting custom segments that looked for people reading about careers in nursing.
  • We used retargeting to various pages.
  • We created adaptive segments which bucketed the users who had uncompleted online applications.
  • Contextual nursing strategy and deactivated the custom segment due to poor performance.
  • We checked in weekly with the marketing lead at the university to make sure analytics were matching up.
  • Under-performing creatives were removed from rotation.
  • We created added budget to key times: Weekends and weekdays between 4-9 PM.