Orange 142 Blog

Case Study: Orange 142 Helps Houston Dental Practice Achieve Remarkable Growth

Written by Orange 142 | Aug 20, 2024 8:07:09 PM

Integrated marketing and customer experience optimization drive significant traffic, lead growth, as well as 3.5x ROAS in paid search.

Like many local businesses, they rely on attracting patients who live within a convenient distance from their office. An effective digital marketing strategy is crucial when potential clients begin their search online.

3.5X ROAS in paid search

17% Increase in website traffic

5,800% Increase in traffic from organic social media 13,000 New visitors to website look for dental implant services

The Challenge: Small Practice. Big Needs.

A Highly Considered Purchase

Dental services often represent a significant investment for patients in terms of cost and long-term impact on their health and well-being. For this reason, confidence in the practice is essential. That confidence begins with the first digital ad seen and builds or diminishes as the consumer progresses through the buyer journey. A poorly optimized customer experience can dissuade patients from receiving the care they need from the practitioners most qualified to help them.

This Houston-based dental practice offers a comprehensive range of services, including general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry and treatment for sleep apnea and TMJ issues. One of the services that distinguishes this dentist is its one-day turnaround for dental implants. The practice can model, mold, and create dental implements from within the office, allowing patients to walk out with the work complete rather than waiting weeks for teeth to be manufactured by a third-party lab.

Lack of Internal Expertise

Like many dentists, orthodontists, small medical practices, and even assisted living facilities, this Houston-based dental practice needed to hire an entire team of employees with the diverse expertise required to thrive in the modern digital advertising ecosystem.

While the practice has a hardworking and dedicated marketer, only some people can possess the full skills needed to analyze and enhance the entire customer journey thoroughly. Their background is in dental technology, not digital operations.

As a result, while their patients are passionate about the quality of care they receive and readily provide testimonials, the practice needs to work on effectively reaching new patients and delivering a seamless digital engagement experience.

With an innovative dental product to offer but more time and expertise to invest in the end-to-end customer journey needed, the dental practice turned to Orange 142 for support.

Audit of End-of-End Customer Experience

The first task the Orange 142 account team undertook was an audit of the practice’s infrastructure, from ads seen in a particular channel and visits to the website to how the practice answered the phone when potential patients called for a consultation.

The practice integrated multiple technologies and platforms into its operations, including website chat, lead forms, and phone calls driven by marketing efforts. However, it needed a comprehensive backend system to effectively support its marketing efforts and nurture leads. Without a nurturing cadence or a call center, the office staff answered calls, creating a family-run atmosphere and highlighting the need for more sophisticated systems.

To address these limitations, Orange 142 designed a solution that featured:
  • Website optimizations
  • A comprehensive solution to manage the practice’s digital marketing efforts
  • An optimized customer experience based on best practices, including an effective lead-nurturing program
Website Optimization

We provided comprehensive website support for the dental practice. From a technology standpoint, we migrated their CMS to a more user-friendly platform, 
allowing them to make updates quickly. We also refreshed their copy, content, and images to enhance the user experience. Additionally, we conducted an extensive SEO audit, covering technical aspects, on-page copy, and off-page factors. Over six weeks, our team performed this thorough audit, delivered the findings to the practice, and implemented the necessary improvements.

This optimization is crucial in the highly competitive dental industry, as it enhances the website’s visibility for relevant keywords on Google, helping it appear more prominently in search engine results. Furthermore, we resolved numerous technical issues that were previously unknown to them, ensuring a smoother and more compelling online presence.

Comprehensive and Integrated Marketing

We also managed their digital campaigns, focusing on paid search, Meta, and organic social media. Previously, they managed these independently and needed a cohesive paid and organic media strategy. We implemented highly targeted search strategies aligned with a content calendar highlighting office events, customer stories, staff features, and industry-related special days. This strategy has led to a significant increase in organic social traffic to their website—specifically, a 5,000% increase since Orange 142 took over the marketing.

Optimized Customer Experience

Our commitment to optimizing the customer experience through effective operational systems sets us apart. For instance, after increasing their leads by 50% in one month, we discovered that the practice couldn’t track the outcomes of these leads. They referred us to the office personnel, who might have the data, revealing a gap in their lead management process.

Realizing the need for a structured lead nurturing program, we implemented a system to manage and convert leads and reduce no-show appointments. We outlined the conversion path, set goals, and established a cadence for follow-ups through texts, emails, or phone calls. We also provided the necessary copy and guidance on engaging with leads effectively.

Recognizing they lacked the resources to manage this internally, the practice hired a call center and a salesperson to handle lead nurturing. This approach helped close deals, secure appointments, and generate revenue. Implementing this critical resource freed the office staff from handling lead follow-ups, allowing them to focus on other tasks. The positive impact of the lead nurturing system was immediate.

Results: Smart Investments that Go a Long Way

Looking at reporting from Google Analytics 4, we observed the following achievements:

Website Optimization Results 17%: Increased website traffic YOY by 17%
Paid Search Strategies 110% YOY: From a paid search perspective, we increased paid search traffic by 110% YOY and by 28% over the last four months, delivering over 13,000 visitors looking for dental implant services. Orange 142’s efforts delivered a 3.5x return on ad spend. 
Comprehensive and Integrated Marketing 5800%: Our efforts in organic social media resulted in a remarkable 5,800% increase in traffic, growing from virtually zero to 5,000 visitors in just four months.
Optimized Customer Experience Orange 142 recommended a lead nurturing program to enhance the customer experience, increase leads-to-patient conversion rates, and decrease no-show appointments. We also updated the website to enhance the customer experience with new chat integrations, an automated review process, and an optimized website experience to deliver better customer engagement. 
“It’s gratifying to see these kinds of results for our clients, which is possible when we work closely with them to understand their needs and act as an extension of their teams.”
Jennifer Thrasher, VP of Client Solutions at Direct Digital Holdings

Orange 142 Services for Small Practices

Orange 142 teams provide consultative support tailored for small dental, orthodontist, and medical practices seeking to grow their patient base or merge with another practice. Our comprehensive services include auditing systems, processes, and marketing activities to identify areas for improvement and growth. We specialize in website optimization, ensuring that your online presence is user-friendly and optimized for search engines.

Additionally, we design, execute, and continuously optimize integrated omni-channel campaigns, ensuring that your marketing efforts are cohesive and effective across all platforms. By implementing best practices, we help practices streamline their operations and respond to market demands more effectively and efficiently. We aim to drive revenue growth and position your practice to achieve its long-term goals.