Orange 142 Blog

The Importance of a Digital Media Strategy in Modern Political Campaigns

Written by Orange 142 | Jun 10, 2024 7:05:06 PM


Because Every Vote Will Count this November

You read the polls and you know how close elections can be. Winning in November can come down to earning the votes one voter at a time. It can be a slog, so if there is one thing you need to get right this election season, it’s your digital media strategy. 

What will a smart digital media strategy do for your campaign? It will enable you to:

  • Reach a wider audience. Digital media platforms such as social media, websites, and email newsletters enable campaigns to reach a broad and diverse audience.

  • Target the right voters. Digital tools can help you target specific demographics, geographies, interest groups, and, in some cases, households to ensure your message reaches the right voters and encourages them to get out to vote.

  • Spend (Invest) efficiently. Few campaigns can boast unlimited resources. Digital advertising is often more affordable than traditional media like TV or print, allowing campaigns to allocate their budgets more efficiently.

    Additionally, you don’t want to spend your budget targeting voters who will never support your campaign. Digital ads provide clear metrics and data, enabling campaigns to measure the effectiveness of their spending and adjust strategies in real-time.

  • Engage with voters in real time. Importantly, when you advertise on social media, you can receive feedback and respond immediately to voters, clearing up misunderstandings, thanking them for their support, learning more about their concerns, and soliciting donations and volunteers to help your campaign.

    This is an important consideration for building a community.

Win with a Comprehensive Digital Media Strategy
Success hinges on identifying and engaging your likely voters through targeted audience segments. Partnering with a digital media company like Orange 142 allows you to pinpoint your loyal supporters and mobilize them for crucial campaign activities such as donations, phone banking, door-to-door canvassing, or becoming social media influencers.

A comprehensive strategy also involves leveraging contextual and behavioral targeting to connect with undecided voters, creating tailored messages that address their specific concerns. Additionally, ensure that all likely supporters receive get-out-the-vote messages well before election day, as many states and districts promote early voting.


Multicultural voters can significantly influence election outcomes. We can help you effectively reach these audiences through strategic analysis of their behaviors and tailored multicultural marketing solutions.

Media planning and buying
Orange 142 has the experience and expertise to get your messages to the right voters on social media, the web, mobile, in-app, CTV and audio so that you can reach and engage the broadest audience possible.

CTV will be the most important channel this election season. US political CTV ad spend will be five times greater this year than in 2020, reaching $1.56 billion, per eMarketer’s forecast. Some 12% of political ads in digital will be for CTV. Of that, 81% will be spent programmatically. 

Younger voters will be key this election season, and they tend to flock to TikTok. Yet that platform doesn’t allow political ads, so you will need to work with an agency to devise a plan to reach them.

Finally, you may want to consider digital out of home (DooH), which has come a long way since the last presidential campaign. Today’s political campaign has many options. It’s also nimble, allowing you to target specific areas -- say an arena -- and go live within an hour.

Content Creation 

As a full-service digital media company, Orange 142 can create and A/B test campaign ads for all of your voter audience segments. 

You may be tempted to use generative AI to create political ads, but you should do so with caution. Meta and Google require disclosure if AI is used, as do a dozen states. It’s better to work with an agency that can help you craft your messages, test them, analyze results, and pivot.

For instance, our teams can help you craft campaignswith get-out-the-vote messages that are appropriate to the audience, as well as the channel and device on which those messages are consumed.

We will compare multiple versions of ad creatives to determine which perform better in achieving your specific goals (e.g., signing up for phone bank, purchasing a yard sign, etc.).

Real-Time Optimization & Pivoting

If anyone tells you they can create a digital media strategy that is so perfect you can set-it-and-forget-it, run! Every campaign begins with an educated (informed?) guess about who will respond to your ads and the best ads to put forward. But as soon as those ads are delivered, the learnings begin to pour in. Is a particular ad getting clicks? Donations? Volunteers to go door-to-door? If something isn’t working, you don’t have time to waste updating your tactic. Reporting and analytics are table stakes.

This is precisely why the Orange 142 team provides insights at every stage of your campaign. Our comprehensive campaign and media performance reports help to ensure you focus your budget on the right voters.

Our real-time reporting dashboards make it easy for you to track the progress of your campaigns while they’re live. Our teams will meet with you to assess the campaign to discuss performance, what we’re learning, and how to optimize results.

Why Orange 142 is Your Right Choice

Every campaign is unique, and a cookie-cutter approach can do more harm than good this November. We can help you identify new voters through a combination of data-driven targeting and fine-tuning media channel performance. Additionally, we assist your campaign in personalizing and reaching the right audience, ensuring that your message resonates effectively.

We bring to the table:

  • Access to 98% of Online Inventory. Our systems are integrated to every major supply-side platform, which means we have access to 98% of the available ad inventory online (desktop, mobile, video, audio, CTV, social). This means you get a single source for all your media .

  • One Agency, All Expertise. You can rely on one account team to executive, optimize and measure cohesive campaigns against all channels as well as one source for service.

  • Direct Relationships with Publishers. Our sister brand, Colossus SSP, nurtures direct relationships with publishers, allowing us to get priority access directly to publishers without many middlemen and their fees. 

Get in Touch

The clock is ticking. In just a few months,voters will decide the fate of your campaign. Let us help you with your digital media strategy. Contact us to receive a free 30-minute consultation to see if we can help you with your campaign goals.