More than a third of marketers are leveraging data, martech targeting tools and integrated strategies that didn’t exist five years ago and the tourism marketing industry is still catching up to the latest technology and digital solutions. Outdated “pay and spray” strategies generally utilized by Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) are being rapidly supplanted by new-generation data technologies and highly targeted approaches that are not only more effective, but more cost efficient. These have evolved specifically to leverage a single view of key audiences and to create a singular connected customer experience once an audience has been defined.
This was the foundation upon which Orange142, leveraged its Data Management Platform (DMP) and its suite of digital advertising and marketing solutions to re-shape the go to market approach for the Pigeon Forge Department of Tourism. Through utilization of a DMP to map the consumer audiences engaging with both the Pigeon Forge Tourism website and the digital ad placements being served out, Orange142 was able to define key personas and optimize the digital advertising for extensive year over year performance growth.
The underlying objective of Orange142’s integrated campaign for Pigeon Forge Tourism Department was to chart a path that would give the destination a more sophisticated, more effective strategic approach, as well as access to the same broader markets and opportunity as even the largest national advertisers. The key was being smarter, not spending more.
The result was a data first inquiry into who Pigeon Forge’s key consumers actually are, who was engaging with the brand the most and how best to develop advertising messages that would showcase what Pigeon Forge has to offer.
A strategic focus and a clearly defined approach to the challenges at hand. The application of first-to market programmatic strategies. The ability to refine and re-deploy strategies based upon actionable, real-time data. These are the building blocks of a successful marketing effort that continues to evolve.