You’ve Earned It - (Covid-19 Relief Campaign)
Flight Dates: July 13 – September 7, 2020
Over 2,000 room nights booked & $1,500,000 Return On Investment
2020 has been a historically challenging year for DMO’s and their partners in the hospitality industry. As the city of Indianapolis began to re-open, Visit Indy charged Orange142 with executing a digital campaign to promote in-state tourism and boost hotel occupancy rates in the metro Indy market.
Orange142 defines two audience tracks to best understand whether the metro residents or the out of metro residents would have better engagement and intent to book a hotel stay.
In addition to these audience tracks, Orange142 utilized a Data Management Platform to optimize the advertising execution around the desired “book” behavior witnessed on the landing pages. By tracking the Book Link Conversion and leveraging the DMP data Orange142 was able to drive users with the most intent to book to the campaign landing page.
Visit Indy ran a 9-week campaign titled “You’ve Earned It”, promoting in-state travel and rewarding residents with a 50% discount on hotel rooms in Indianapolis. Orange142 participated as a digital fulfillment and strategic partner on this campaign tasked with driving qualified traffic to the onsite booking option for VisitIndy.com.

Campaign Highlights:
- O142 tactics were the primary campaign traffic drivers
- The campaign surpassed all hotel room booking goals
- The campaign generated nearly 2,000 rooms-nights via the Visit Indy Booking System
- The campaign returned a minimum of $1.52 million in visitor spending based solely on visitors booking via our website, not those using other booking channels.
Audience Targeting:
Early adopters who are more likely to dine, participate in live music/entertainment, go to attractions, and or stay in hotels
- 50% targeting Indy MSA
- 50% targeting the State of Indiana
Campaign Statistics:
Total Impressions Served: 32,940,118
Total Clicks to Website: 87,421
Average Click-Through Rate: 0.27% (0.08% Industry Average for Travel & Tourism)
Video Views – 2,153,092
Orange142 Solutions:
At Orange142 we are a group of experts in the tourism space with robust experience in emergency response marketing efforts and we are here to help.