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Orange142 continues to stay ahead of ad fraud and bot traffic

Orange142 continues to stay ahead of ad fraud and bot traffic

Orange142 is aware of the recent news reports concerning Methbot, a potential Russian botnet that hosts content farms and generates nonhuman traffic to siphon off money from digital advertisers (you can read more about the story here).

Based on an initial analysis, we have a high degree of confidence that Orange142 has had very little exposure to Methbot. No measurable spend went to the IPs listed in the MethBot report in the past week across all client campaigns.

While the methods used by this botnet were relatively sophisticated, our inventory quality systems and processes caught and shut down the vast majority of the invalid traffic. We are quite pleased to see independent validation that our anti-fraud systems are working as designed.

We will continue to invest heavily to ensure that all traffic on the Orange142 platform is valid. By choosing to be part of our ecosystem, you are choosing an internet that doesn’t allow fake news or non-human traffic and protects basic human rights. Thank you for choosing to create a better internet.

For any additional information, please feel free to contact us at

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